It is never wrong to not do something.

Age 28


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I just did something big

Posted by JME10135 - July 22nd, 2024

This has nothing to do with Newgrounds, but it is the bigest accomplishment in gaming I have done in my life.


I just completed the Perpetual Frustration campaign in Everybody Edits. It took me 7 years. I know most of you cannot relate to it, but it is something hard I thought I was not able to do. Now I have completed all campaigns but the "worst" campaign, which is out of my league.

Thank you @orangecrix6 for your youtube vids. They were helpful.




i took two to beat plazma burst

Congratulations!!! It took you 7 years, it's a lot of work.

Well, what can I say JJ JJ JJ JJ (I do not know why JME10135 likes to spam JJ so much)

I'm more impressed you have a Windows 7 computer after all this time

I cannot truly relate to what said task requires to complete, you're right, but that's a massive commitment time-wise, and the name itself does imply it really is a grueling one... Congratulations!!!

@Wegra respect on that too! The best one in the series still, I miss it...

Windows XP was rather solid too imo.

Bro was never heard from again

Indeed, I remember that one fondly too, though I remember liking Windows 7 even more when it came out, it felt like they'd actually really perfected the foundations of XP, it was similar but so new... since then I haven't actually felt a single update was better than the previous...

I like Windows 11 more than Windows 10, but still not as much as 7.

I have Windows 11 on my new PC that I bought half a year ago and I got confused when I noticed that the start menu was gone. So far I have been able to do everything I need so I cannot complain.

At the moment I use my old PC with Windows 7 because I wanted to play games that I have saves from on this computer.

Fortunately you can still align it to the left if you want to... I've started using this though, to still get it looking like it did back with 7: https://www.stardock.com/products/start11/

Used a registry hack to get rid of the new right-click menu too, otherwise it's not so bad, I appreciate that the rounded design's coming back again...

Gotcha. I have Windows 7 on a couple old computers too, not for games currently, but someday maybe. There's one voice recorder driver I have that doesn't work beyond 7, so occasionally I use one of 'em to transfer files from the voice record, that's all atm.