I like the vibes from this game. The atmosphere and feeling is exactly what I think the author imagined while making it.
The artwork:
It was very detailed and well made. The animations of the doors when they entered rooms were fancy. I like the nasty green spider. The amount of stuff and features in the ship is great with many idle animations for the crew. You miss a sluss though. The crew is just walking in and out between the spaceship and the void.
The story:
I think it is solid and good as it is. The story is a little bit short but given that there are so many endings I would have liked it to be even shorter. The game took me half the day to get all endings in. It lacks an ending scene which would be a nice inplemention.
On to what I really wanted to write about: The moral. Speaking of moral, there are two kinds of morals to mention here: The moral of the story and the crew's moral. The crew's moral is high. They work as a team and even though they panic sometimes, they care about and listen to each other when they do not panic. There is an intruder who pretty much screwed their chances of getting back alive, but they still treat him as part of the crew. There is no violence or strong language(well the game is E rated after all so figures). The circumstances they are in are optimal to trigger the opposite and that is why it matters so much what they have for behavior. Just to avoid misunderstandings I want to note that I think they had a good moral but that it was not the point to judge on that. The moral of the story is not quite as good. This game has multiple endings, and which ending you get depends mainly on which responses you give in the dialogues(that and wether you click on the crew members before they panic or not). Two crucial choices are which turning time you input and wether or not you tell about the extra oxygen in the shuttle and suits. To be able to get the best result for both of them you need to get the information from respective crew member, and to do that you need to calm them down so they would not panic two times. To get them close to a mental break down twice took me longer than to get to the point where I had to share the information they would tell the first time I played, and if you have played before you know better what to avoid to not scare them or getting shot by the mysterious attacker again, so it is even less likely to get them to panic then. This means that it is essential to build up as much fear in them as possible until they tell you about that crucial information. This concerns Bill most of all as it is he who gives the correct turning time. It tells wether the shuttle falls off or not, which makes out half of all the endings! And Bill is a tough guy. He does not freak out so easily. You learn to respond harshly and to make morally bad desicions to get a morally good outcome of the whole of it and my point with this is to make the point that it is a bad moral of the story.
The gameplay:
I like the interaction and the ability to move the view freely over the whole ship as well as the auto-focus of the view on the crew if something special is happening. It was nice to get the whole message instantly in dialogues instead of having it typed letter for letter.
I found some bugs: Sometimes when Bill goes out to fix the engine he dissappears when the camera is off-view, but his entity is still there and do stuff even when it is not shown. If the camera would choose to force its focus on him it would move to the upper left corner. You can solve this by going to the main menu and back to the ship. If Dunmer would be close to panic while shooting the laser there would still be a thought bubble with the symbol that means he is close to panic over him when he has died. You can even click it to get the conversation. A game-breaking bug is when the oxygen is going out at the end. If you are fast and skip time you can actually beat the game before any of them die. Since they die one after another you can get each ending for respective crew member that still would be alive, and they always die in the same order ending with Bill, so there is always an ending for it as the only combinations of survivors + shuttle that are not endings are those with Bill dead and anyone else alive(This makes me wonder if the author did any of this on purpose. I mean why not make so they all die at the same time when the oxygen runs out?). This is a serious issue as it exploits the endings and also the Newgrounds medals.
There is some other room for improvement. Just small things though. When you start a new game from the menu it is not obvious that it would not erase all the data including the endings you have got, especially not as there is a command prompt to do it. It would be more clear if the text was changed to something like "start from beginning". The crucial information you give the crew members about the turning time and oxygen I mentioned before comes from illogical sources, namely themselves. Jackie tells you about the extra oxygen which you have to tell Jackie about and Bill tells you about the time it takes to turn the ship which you have to tell Bill about. It would be better if they did not give that information to themselves, and especially if it would not be when they are close to panic so players would not try to scare them as mentioned above. There are some typos in the text conversations too, but I am not going to search them up.
I also think I found a dead end. If you start the engines while Jackie is outside and you have not asked around about how the laser should be used, it seems to be impossible to make any more progress. You need Jackie's input on it as his is the only option to succeed. I could be wrong but I can not find a way around this. It is good that you can go to the menu and start a new game.
Other than that I like the personalities of the three involved.
All in all it was a neat little game. Something I would recommend. I do not regret spending half a day on it. The game could be excellent with all the potential it has but with the flaws mentioned it is good and that is pretty much it.